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Humans of Hospitality

Oct 5, 2020

Gregorie, from Blackthorn knows an incredible amount about salt.  His family have been involved in salt for over 140 years.  His Dad’s Dad Dad set up the business, but this latest venture is their first foray into the actual production of salt.  You should probably pause this episode at this point and go to and take a look at this crazy big tower of thorns they have built on the edge of the ocean in Scotland.  It will help you visualise what we are about to chat about.

This incredible wooden structure, dribbles sea water through 54 wooden taps releasing the water to trickle down a tower of blackthorn exposed to the Scottish winds and sun, evaporating the water and leaving an ever increasing saline solution.  There is something beautifully romantic and nostalgic about harnessing nature right on the waters edge in Scotland.  

I learnt so much chatting to Gregorie.  Not just about salt, but about how to run a business for multiple generations and how being curious and embarking on adventures just because they are fun, rather than financially proven, is such a wonderful part of so many hospitality journeys.

But yourself some salt on the website here

Follow Blackthorn Salt here instagram and twitter

A link to the video we mention here