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Humans of Hospitality

May 21, 2020

Lots has changed since I last caught up with JD.  Hospitality Union has become more grown up from its early WhatsApp group days and now has a website, brand and a more disciplined and structured voice representing over 3000 independent hospitality owners and senior operators.

Through Hospitality Union JD has been campaigning for a number of national support measures to help the sector navigate the pandemic, and fundamentally save as many jobs as possible.  Next to the JRS and furloughing scheme some sort of plan on rent is essential to save the industry and jobs.  #NationalTimeOut has gained national support from many leaders of the industry and some of our best and most famous chefs and operators.

JD and I chat the latest development on this and his confidence that some sort of framework support will be agreed nationally soon.

We also touch on more general structure and flexibility on our re-opening such as what happens with terraces and outdoor spaces and the debate on 2 metres to 0 metres and how sometimes less regulation and common sense is better than over-regulation.

As always please head over to the website to support via our Patreon page.